DVD Movies wholesale distributor & supplier

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Discover our universe of wholesale movies and TV series in both DVD and Blu-Ray format

We have a huge stock of wholesale movies and TV series, with more than 1000 titles to choose from for the whole family. We update our stock regularly, and you can therefore always buy the latest titles on the market with wholesale prices. Our selection of DVD and Blu-Ray movies is impressive and it's getting bigger. All the well-known classics, the good old ones and the brand new ones. Action, drama, romance, comedy, horror and all the other genres within films. All movies are in the best quality and are sold in DVD and Blu-Ray and 4K formats, so you can always be sure of the very best version of the movie.

Movies from ET-Group A/S are for everyone - big and small, young and old and everyone in between. We have collected pretty much all the latest movies on the market. Buy movies and Tv shows on Blu-Ray or DVD in bulk and with competitive wholesale prices. Whether you are looking for old classic movies, children movies, Blu-rays, bestsellers or new released movies you can find all of it here.

Sign up and get access to movies and TV series in every genre

In our large selection of wholesale DVD movies, you find different film genres. You can buy all kinds of action movies, 'Ordinary' action movies, teenage action movies, superhero action movies, or disaster action movies. Explore the huge selection of animation and cartoons, we have pretty much all the latest movies on the market, but you will also be able to find many old classics. Or take a look at our selection of drama films, you can purchase a large number of fantastic dramas from us. You can also find several different types of comedy films with us, we have more than 100 titles in stock. In our large collection of romantic movies, you will find many subgenres of romantic movies such as romantic dramas, romantic comedies and romantic thrillers. This is just some of the genres you can get as wholesale movies at ET-Group A/S.

We have collected a lot of TV series. We have up to 100 TV-series in stock, and you are therefore guaranteed to be able to find the TV series you are looking for in the same place. As a movies and tv-series supplier our extensive stock of DVD, Blu-Ray and Tv-series is price competitive and delivered worldwide in bulk quantities.

Brands in this category
Featured partner brands

Below you will find our best-selling brands but there is much more to discover. Contact our sales team to receive the full brand overview.

Products in this category
​Lord of the rings complete 4K

​Lord of the rings complete 4K


Olsen banden 50 år jubilæums boks

Olsen banden 50 år jubilæums boks


Far Til Fire - Den Store Boks (15 disc) - DVD

Far Til Fire - Den Store Boks (15 disc) - DVD


Hvidstengruppen II: De efterladte

Hvidstengruppen II: De efterladte
